Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey Kids, Let's Play! Writing Prompt of the Week

Critique is a playful cat, and Addie is looking for some fun. Both are hoping that Storee will take them outside for a while.

Addie wants to go swimming. Critique is longing to do some climbing. Storee Wryter likes to do both and she likes to swing. What can they do and where can they go so all three have a great time?

Write a story about fun in the sun. What do you like to do when the weather is right for playing outdoors? Your story can be set during the day or evening.

Here are some ideas to get you started: picnic, visit to the playground, hide-n-seek, catching fireflies (lightning bugs), climbing a big, sturdy tree, jumping rope, going to the pool, a game of water tag, mini Olympics. 

Write and let Critique, Storee and Addie, know how you like to spend a day in the sun.

Until next week - Happy Writing!

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