Thursday, August 23, 2012

What Do You See? - Writing Prompt

Look at the photograph very carefully and then write a story about what you see.

Some questions you can ask before you start writing your story:

Is it a recent picture or an older one? How can you tell?
Who is the girl in the picture? Look at her face. What is she thinking? How does she feel?
What time of year is it?
Look at the dog. Is there anything unusual about him?
Who is the man looking into the camera?
Who or what is he taking a picture of?
What other details do you see and what might they mean?

For Teachers:
For a free electronic version of Storee Wryter Gets a Dog for use in the classroom send an email a request via your school email address to
All I ask in return is that you post a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and any other book review sites you use, including Goodreads and others. 

1 comment:

  1. Now that a week has passed I thought you'd like to know the picture was taken when I was a little girl. That is my Uncle Louie looking into the camera.
    The dog has a missing front paw. He was injured by a car as a puppy but it didn't keep him from running after me when we played in the yard.
    Do you have a picture with you and your pet?
